LiF:YO Livemap 2.2.0 released

Guild Standings

Time to push out an update for the LiF:YO Livemap with a number of small improvements and additions before I start working on the next new feature, which will be a guild management page where guild leaders can login and manage their guild online – soon™

Guild Standings & Member Ranks
Member Ranks

With this update, some of the new YO features are now implemented in the livemap as well. Guild member ranks are now displayed as icons in the claim memberlist. All ranks are localized and gender specific. Users of the dedicated map can edit the rank names in the locale.php file.

Furthermore, the guild standings are drawn as colored lines whenever a claim is highlighted. This is, by the way, a new group permission that you can disable if you have to. It is enabled by default.

Visual Improvements
Font Selection

Font options have been added to the appearance settings: You can choose from a selection of different fonts to customize your claim labels and claim detail tooltips. Talking about claim tooltips – all claims are assigned an icon based on their size next to their name.

Find the complete changelog with all the fixes and minor changes on the LiF:YO Livemap Download page.

All hosted livemaps on were updated respectively.

FeudalTools Update 1.7.0

This update introduces cool new features for the map generator and more options for map authors. Full changelog can be found here: » Changelog
Placable Steppe, Swamp and Forest Soil
The upload form now has the option to upload a substance map in addition to the heightmap. The purpose of the substance map is to overwrite the soil of certain areas with one out of three possible soil replacements: Steppe Soil, Swamp and Forest Soil.
The Substance map is supposed to be a 1533×1533 pixel RGB image. It uses red color to identify steppe soil, green for forest soil and blue for swamp. See the images for an example.
Substance Map





Please note this is purely optional. Creating maps ‘the old way’ without any substance map still works the same as before.

Forest Soil Algorithms & Beach Altitude
On request, I’ve added an inverted version of the slope algorithm. Whereas the original slope-based one will place forest soil wherever the tile slope is very low, this new inverted version places forest soil where tile slope is high. Furthermore, there’s the option to use place no random forest soil at all. This can be used most efficiently with a substance map that places all forest soil manually.

Continue reading “FeudalTools Update 1.7.0”

TerraTool is now FeudalTools

Today, the TerraTool project and website was given a new name and URL:

In addition, hosted livemaps are now SSL encrypted under their new link. They will be hosted under the subdomain.

All old links and URLs are redirected at the moment. So they still work as normal. But please update them on your websites if you find some time. I can’t promise that those redirects will work forever.

Minor Update 1.6.1

I’m glad to say that the minimap on LiF:YO Custom Map servers now works out of the box with no scripts or client-side modifications since the latest game patch. Huge thanks to the devs at Bitbox for making this happen. I have removed the Minimal Update Script from the download page and updated the FAQ accordingly.

Alongside some bugfixes, a privacy poilcy was added to the page to comply with the Steamworks API terms of service.

Full Chagenlog

LiF:YO Livemap 2.1.0 released

This update introduces a new tool for Admins/GMs to (hopefully) simplify character management on the server and disclose some information about user activity or inactivity.

All administrators and login-enabled groups with the respective permission will find this new button in the navigation. It’ll display a table of all characters and their details on the server. The table can be filtered by different criteria and sorted by most columns in any direction. With the TTmod installed, it takes advantage of the statistics tracker which was implemented when the Livemap 2.0 released. It shows the ‘last seen’ timestamp and the total playtime of each character. Note that these columns can’t be displayed on servers without the mod installed, as these information are not present in the database by default.

On the bottom of the page you have the option to apply a bulk action to all selected characters, such as deletion, disable/ban or alignment change. Combined with the sorting, filters and table expanding (up to 400 records per page) this is a pretty powerful feature for older servers who struggle with all the good names being taken by inactive players. You could simply delete everyone who hasn’t logged in for x months or something like that. Continue reading “LiF:YO Livemap 2.1.0 released”

TerraTool: Livemaps have arrived (1.6.0)

This new update for TerraTool implements hosted livemaps. The livemaps can be enabled in Server Manager for all servers connected to TerraTool. Once enabled, it’ll give you a unique link for your livemap which you can use for yourself or share it on your server´s website.

You can find all the information about the new, updated livemaps and features on the Livemap 2.0 Update post.

Please be aware these hosted maps are still in testing stage. I have no idea how bad the performance impact will be with dozens of maps hosted on the server but I guess we’ll find out ultimately.

Map Lists Reworked

The map selection list for the official and the community-created maps have had an overhaul. As the list of user created maps has grown, I’ve implemented a ‘like’ button which you can use to vote up good maps. Combined with the new sorting and ordering functions, this should lead to a better overview and a offer some better way to find what you’re looking for quickly as the amount of available maps increases.

“Remember me”

No idea why I didn’t do this earlier but I’ve added a ‘keep me logged in’ option to the login page which will remember your login (through cookie) for 30 days unless you logout manually.

As usual, detailed information about all changes can be found in the changelog. Some of these parts didn’t go through tough testing yet, so please report any issues you may find.

French translation @

LiF:YO Livemap 2.0 released

Main Improvements:
  • Hosted livemaps are available on TerraTool
  • Most of the configuration moved to database (configurable via UI)
  • Group and permission management system:
    • Unlimited number of different logins with individual permissions
    • Unlimited number of character groups with individual tags
  • RCON features for admins/GMs implemented
  • Precise in-game time and date display
  • Current weather and weather forecast
  • Player statistics tracker (w.i.p.)
Hosted Livemaps
With the TerraTool 1.6.0 update it’s possible to add a hosted livemap for each gameserver that has been added to the server manager. Once enabled, it’ll create the livemap on the TerraTool server and give you a unique link to it which you can use on your website or share with your GMs for administrative reference. For more information please read the TerraTool 1.6.0 update post.
Configuration Page

Continue reading “LiF:YO Livemap 2.0 released”

TerraTool: The Forest Update (1.5.0)

Another weekend, another TerraTool update. Since the project launched, TerraTool has been updated to a new point release every one or two weeks, bringing new features and enhancements for the LiF community. As you can see in the changelog, the last update was probably a bit of a rush. Especially the map refresh entailed quite a number of fixes and adjustments and quite some hours of troubleshooting. This pretty much slowed down development, but I’m quite happy to have it in a stable condition now.

Todays 1.5.0 release of TerraTool focuses on forest growth and customization. It also includes a way to repopulate deserted servers with trees. I read through the LiF and Steam forums now and then: No matter what day or week you’re looking, there’s always some thread about forest problems somewhere on top. Mainly it’s people complaining about forest dying after a few weeks/months of server uptime.

To be honest, I’m not even sure if there’s really a problem with the forest algorithm in its current state or if it’s just users not understanding how to customize the forest maintenance XML file. I’ve experimented with the forest maintenane config pretty much and not once I’ve managed to reproduce any issues using reasonable settings in the forest maintenance configuration. Continue reading “TerraTool: The Forest Update (1.5.0)”

TerraTool: Update 1.4.0

Sunday. Time for an update for your favourite LiF:YO tool.
» Full Changelog

Universal Terrain Replacer Files

This new set of terrain files was added to the downloads page. It’ll replace the original terrain files of the game. It is universally compatible and should be installed on every custom map server. This new method replaces the cache files that were generated individually for each custom map job earlier and brings two major benefits: First of all, the ‘double map’ issue where the original map was merged with the custom map after first server startup should be eleminated. Secondly, restoring a custom map server from a pure database backup or migrating it to a new host will work flawlessly.

You can use them on old custom map servers too. It isn’t restricted to maps generated with this TerraTool update.

Map Uploads Revisioned

Continue reading “TerraTool: Update 1.4.0”

TerraTool 1.3.0 is here!

After many years days of development, I’m glad to present the next feature update for TerraTool. Now it’s your turn to make some awesome maps for LiF:YO.

» Full Changelog

Custom Maps: Your Own

“How you do make the maps?”, “What software is used?” – I get these questions a lot and some people even got angry when I said “Photoshop and Notepad++”. Well it’s the truth – and now you can do it yourself very easily with just some basic graphic editing skills.

The only source of information the mapgenerator is using to generate LiF maps is a grayscale heightmap of the terrain. With this TerraTool update, you can upload own heightmaps, use them on your servers and even share them with the community. Continue reading “TerraTool 1.3.0 is here!”

TerraTool: Update 1.2.0

Wishbone Map

There you have it. After the LiF:YO patch came out yesterday with some changes having impact on the custom map setup procedure, TerraTool was updated to 1.2.0 last night. It comes along with new features, new graphics, more customization options and a new map. Full changelog here.

New Forest Soil Algorithm

In TerraTool prior to version 1.2.0, forest soil was ‘sprinkled’ evenly with low density across the whole map. This boring approach has been replaced by two different methods that should ensure more diverse and realistic forest soil patterns. The random dispersion method is somewhat similar to the old algorithm, but creates bigger coherent patches of forest soil along with normal soil in between them. The slope based method will create forest soil wherever the surface has a very low (or no) slope. This will create large coherent forest areas and large bald areas. Depending on how you might scale the map using the ‘max altitude’ option, slope method might create far too much or far too few forest soil. It’s kind of experiemtal for now, so feel free to try it out and if you don’t like it, you can always fall back to the random dispersion.  Continue reading “TerraTool: Update 1.2.0”