After the initial beta release back in January I’ve come to team up with our friends at LiFX to make YoLauncher the best it can be.
Today we’re releasing an updated version that features even more details about servers and a client mod manager with the most popular mods that can be installed or uninstalled in one click. Note that YoLauncher is not compatible with earlier autoloaders released by LiFX or me, such as or It’ll cleanup these deprecated versions from your YO directory and fully rely on the mods you’ve installed from the YoLauncher GUI to avoid conflicts.

The app is now distributed through our new website at
We’ve also set up a login for server owners at the YoLauncher website that lets you customize how your own server should be displayed in YoLauncher. In addition to editing the already existing facts, you can now add a short server description and tag your server with themes such as “PvP” or “RP”.
Future Plans
The last core feature of YoLauncher we’ll be working on is an option for server owners to upload a full server modpack at the YoLauncher website for their server and have that auto-distributed to players joining their servers through YoLauncher. This would somehow be a sufficient compensation for YO’s lack of Steam Workshop support, which is the final goal for YoLauncher.
Support / Discord
Feel free to join LiFX Discord for more detail information, help, support, suggestions or a friendly chat with other LiF:YO enthusiasts.
SmartScreen Warnings
One final note: If you get a Windows SmartScreen warning when trying to install the app, please safely skip/ignore it. We expect this to go away after the first couple hundred installations on Windows computers have completed. Due to the codesign certificate that is being used, it needs to build up trust in Microsoft services before the warning will no longer appear. Click “more info” to unlock the “run anyway” option.